Friday, September 11, 2009

Second week, after the drought

So I left my moonflower for a week, no water, only sun and this is what happened! It grew! I am astounded. This is wonderful, it doubled, maybe tripled in size while I was away.

I'm going to have to build a trellis for it soon, look at the vigorous vine it is growing!

My imitation greenhouse using a newspaper bag and elastic band. Thanks to this baby my borage didn't die, it concealed the moisture in so my lack of watering didn't kill the plant.

The look from above, the true leaves are starting to pop up everywhere.

So strong!

On a somber note, my basil plant is not doing so well. I have learned that basil NEEDS water. A week without it and this is what happens. I will do all that is humanly possible to revive my friend, hopefully my efforts will pay off.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, the ole basil doesn't last long in the heat or sun without water.
