Sunday, November 15, 2009


My Moonflowers bloomed!

They are huge! That is a regular sized CD that I am holding above it.

Moonflower looking out into the world...

This was in the afternoon at about 3 o'clock.

It is sitting gracefully in the darkness.

Unfortunately, the flower has a very short lifespan of about 10 hours. It bloomed at 5PM and started to shrivel by midnight and was completely scrunched up by morning.

I went to the Christmas Parade and the police officers wore Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer noses.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


My Moonflower is about to bloom!
Hopefully in a week or so they will bloom.

Basil forest

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Post for skule

My idea for making the leaf raking process easier
Funnel type vacuum

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Fall is almost over...
So I wanted to commemorate the awesome fall we just had by showing some great pictures I found on the internet!

/*Just pretend "O mio babbino caro" is playing in the background (link below) */


Hello Everyone, sorry for the late post.
Sadly, not very much change to the basil over the past 3 weeks.

Notice anything different?
I was pruning(?) my big basil plant and I stuck the part I snipped off into the dirt beside my Ginger. Now they are actually growing roots!

Wiry garlic! It's growing like a madman.

Moonflower buds are growing bigger, but you can't really tell from the picture because you have nothing to refer to, so it probably just looks the same as last time.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

This week on Plant Joy

My Ginger! Doesn't it look like a heart flower?
(ie the top looks like a heart, the bottom is the stem)

Moonflower buds hidden beneath a heart shaped leaf

Borage stem and a lot of dry leaves.


Garlic is growing so fast, it is probably 5 inches long now.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Some growth detected this week

Just thought I'd share with you my Chinese Lanterns. I planted these from seed 2 years ago. After I transplanted them to the outdoor garden they were not doing so well and I thought they died. Then this spring they popped up EVERYWHERE! And I realized they are killing all the other perennials so I had to pull them all out. But I saved some as decoration.

I've noticed significant growth in my Basil. They are growing their third set of leaves!

Borage, not doing so well. I keep telling my self to transplant, but I am so lazy to go buy soil.

Flower bud! My moonflower started to bud!

Weird, I wasn't expecting garlic for a long time, but here they are.

Just thought I'd take some pictures of the Jasmine flower in my house. They are starting to flower for the second time this year.



Ginger in a steamy container. I will have to remove the container soon, I hope it can survive in the cold weather.

Grass, yes, grass. I grew grass last summer and here is a picture of it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Sorry to anyone who reads my blog. This week I have decided to skip pictures since there were no significant changes in the plants. They pretty much look the same as they did last week. I will post as soon as I see any major growth in the plants, ie moonflower bud!, Ginger grows too tall for the peanut can greenhouse, borage flower, garlic sprouts, basil (the ones I started from seed) grows taller than 5 cm...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

At last, I have some free time

Last week I transplanted my moonflower.

This week they are doing well.

My basil finally grew a second set of leaves!

Prickly borage leaves.

My GIANT borage plants, need to transplant someday, when I can buy some more soil.

My ginger last week, pretty big.

My ginger this week, pretty HUGE!

Borage in a bag.

My Beautiful plants!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


So while I was inspecting my ginger plant today, I was expecting nothing as usual. But today was different, I noticed a tiny sprout poking out of the dirt. It's probably no more than 3mm tall.

It only took the ginger 2 weeks to sprout, on all the websites it says ginger will take up to a month to sprout. So my ginger is twice as fast! I think it must be due to my peanut can greenhouse, it increases the temperature inside the container by 5 degrees.

Surprise! My basil sprang back to life after my liberal watering last night.

Though these dangling leaves still show signs of trauma, they will undoubtedly survive.

So these are the basil plants I started from seed back in April.

They are puny.

This is just to give you a sense of their height.

This is the plan for a trellis (for my moonflowers). I was hoping to build it, but I can't find any wood. I think I'm just going to tie some bamboo sticks together.