Saturday, September 12, 2009


So while I was inspecting my ginger plant today, I was expecting nothing as usual. But today was different, I noticed a tiny sprout poking out of the dirt. It's probably no more than 3mm tall.

It only took the ginger 2 weeks to sprout, on all the websites it says ginger will take up to a month to sprout. So my ginger is twice as fast! I think it must be due to my peanut can greenhouse, it increases the temperature inside the container by 5 degrees.

Surprise! My basil sprang back to life after my liberal watering last night.

Though these dangling leaves still show signs of trauma, they will undoubtedly survive.

So these are the basil plants I started from seed back in April.

They are puny.

This is just to give you a sense of their height.

This is the plan for a trellis (for my moonflowers). I was hoping to build it, but I can't find any wood. I think I'm just going to tie some bamboo sticks together.

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