Sunday, October 11, 2009

Some growth detected this week

Just thought I'd share with you my Chinese Lanterns. I planted these from seed 2 years ago. After I transplanted them to the outdoor garden they were not doing so well and I thought they died. Then this spring they popped up EVERYWHERE! And I realized they are killing all the other perennials so I had to pull them all out. But I saved some as decoration.

I've noticed significant growth in my Basil. They are growing their third set of leaves!

Borage, not doing so well. I keep telling my self to transplant, but I am so lazy to go buy soil.

Flower bud! My moonflower started to bud!

Weird, I wasn't expecting garlic for a long time, but here they are.

Just thought I'd take some pictures of the Jasmine flower in my house. They are starting to flower for the second time this year.



Ginger in a steamy container. I will have to remove the container soon, I hope it can survive in the cold weather.

Grass, yes, grass. I grew grass last summer and here is a picture of it.

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